Plumbing heating and ventilation system repair works

LLC "Vincents"
Time of completion
2014/10 – 2015/05
Object and address
Bank building, Antonijas iela 3, Riga
Performed works
Interior works, reconstruction of heating, ventilation, water main and sewerage, reconstruction of the interior decoration
State Limited Liability Company Aknīste Psychoneurologic Hospital
Time of completion
2013/06 – 2013/11
Object and address
Hospital buildings Alejas, Post Office Aknīste, Gārsene Rural Territory
Performed works
Construction of the wiring, water supply, sewerage and ventilation systems, renovation of the heating system.
Time of completion
2013/02 – 2013/08
Object and address
Apartment house in Audēju iela 4, Riga
Performed works
Construction of engineering communications systems and interior decoration
Vecpiebalga Municipality Local Government
Time of completion
2012/06- 2012/08
Object and address
Ineši Palace, Ineši, Ineši Rural Territory, Vecpiebalga Municipality
Performed works
Construction of water supply, sewerage, electricity networks, heating, and ventilation system
Time of completion
2011/10- 2012/03
Object and address
Reconstruction of Vimbas in Kaltene, Rojas Rural Territory, Rojas Municipality
Performed works
Reconstruction of the building, replacement of the roof, interior decoration, heating.