Facade repair works and insulation

Our company has a major experience in apartment house reconstruction and insulation works.
Over nine years of experience and 60 completed projects throughout Latvia, which in terms of construction volume means more than 200,000m² of insulated area.
We have carried out the insulation of apartment houses, municipal buildings, as well as schools and kindergartens.
We have been engaged in the development of the heat insulation programmes from the very beginning, when information on problems was gathered, properties classified, their condition audited, priority works and methodology set in order to achieve optimal heat savings.
Based on experience of the completed projects, we have standardised the renovation of buildings and treat heat insulation as a production process: standardised units, verified materials, which we import ourselves, our own scaffolding, etc.
Make your first move and calculate costs of insulation. Open on-line calculator below!
Why to trust our specialists with insulation of apartment houses:
- our team includes specialists who have gained experience and performed numerous insulation projects;
- information about thermal effectiveness indices gained from completed projects makes it possible to select the best solutions and materials, which have already proven themselves in practice. The thermal effectiveness in the constructed buildings grows from 40 to 60%;
- we purchase the necessary materials directly from producers, thus are able to ensure the best price for the client within the scope of the developed estimate;
- thanks to standardisation of construction processes (own resources, materials, experience) and experience gained in the management of construction projects, the time of work is reduced. We are able to accomplish an insulation project within 1.5 months from the receipt of the construction permit;
- we provide a five-year warranty for our work.
Our mission – the insulation of a standard apartment house must be completed within 1.5 months from the receipt of the construction permit.
We offer full-range project implementation – from design to fully commissioned heat-insulated structure, as well as separate stages within the scope of this process.
Project development – we have completed numerous projects, as a result which we have an in-depth knowledge of critical conditions to be taken into account for the project to be optimal from the perspective of both costs and the finished outcome – achieved thermal effectiveness parameters.
Heat insulation according to a pre-developed project – we will carry out construction according to the developed project.
Management of the construction project – we will perform the management of the construction project, ensuring transparent and quality construction for the customer.